Video Subtitling

Video Subtitling

The Video Subtitling Process consists of the insertion of texts synchronized to the audio of the video. The subtitles can be translated (interlingual subtitles) or be kept in the same language as the audio (intralingual subtitles). In both modalities, the original audio is kept.

We generate the finished subtitle separated from the video in 30 different formats or electronically inserted into the video.

Subtitles are useful for companies, institutions or corporations that desires to promote their products or services internationally, being Subtitling the less costly way if compared to Dubbing, for example. Subtitling gives to the customers a global and immediate reach; provided by video-sharing websites like Youtube and Tv channels.

A Tradumedia International® counts on qualified personel to meet the customer´s needs; delivering the audiovisual media within the deadline.

We work with all subtitling processes of any type of audiovisual media, of which are:

Corporate Videos

Promotional Videos

Educational Videos

Training Videos

Technical Education Videos

Video Lectures


About Us

A Tradumedia International® was brought up from the need of specialized services in media and text translation for demanding clients with specific needs.

We have a highly qualified team in which our collaborators have specific graduations in Faculty of Arts and Translation.